5 Things Sex Doesn’t Do

Dear Dating Couple

Don’t be Deceived.
Sex Sex Sex… Is not the way out


1) Sex doesn’t Strengthen a Relationship.

A Relationship that is weak is weak not because there is no sex in it, but because there is no LOVE (affection, attention), COMMUNICATION and COMMITMENT in it..

“Sex is not Love”

Adequate daily Communication, giving Attention to each other (hanging out, spending time together) and showing Affection (speaking each other’s love language) for each other strengthens Relationships.

2) Sex doesn’t Spice up a Relationship

You would here stuff like “let’s spice our relationship with sex”

A Relationshp is boring not because of a lack of Sex, but because of a lack of purpose, life, fun, friendship and excitement in the lives of those in it.

3) Sex doesn’t Prove Love

Ndi “if you love me, prove it”

Sex is not a way you prove your love for anyone, especially someone you’re not married to, in fact, abstinence is a better prove of love than sex.

Your ability to wait is a proof of true LOVE than your inability to wait which is rather a proof of LUST.

A Person can have sex with you and not love you.

4) Sex doesn’t Keep a Relationship

Ndi “I don’t want to lose him”

You can give him/her sex and they’ll will still dump you tomorrow, I counsel victims of this daily.

Even with good sex, marriages still break down everyday, talk less of a relationship

What keeps a relationship is LOVE, RESPECT, CHARACTER, and COMMITMENT

5) Sex doesn’t Prove that you’re a mature adult

Ndi “We’re matured adults, let’s do it.”

When did sex become the sign of matured adults?.

Immature and irresponsible teenagers have sex everyday, does that make them adults?

Sex doesn’t mean you’re matured, rather you prove your maturity by discipline and self control.
Dear Single in a Relationship.
Sex Has its Time

Wait, in the right season, na you go tire..

Keep sex out of your Relationship and build a solid foundation for your Marriage.

Eleven (11) Wrong Things Singles Do In Relationships

1. Making an oath or blood covenant as a promise to marry each other. That’s cultism or ritual. Relationship doesn’t need initiation. Run!

2. Asking or pressuring for sex before marriage, asking for your nude pictures, phone sex, smooches, etc. Your body is the temple of God, “give not that which is holy unto dogs”, Matthew 7: 6.

3. Making your partner next-of-kin to all your documents and assets while you both are still single. This is risky!!! What if the marriage does not hold; then your assets or vital documents might be at great risk if he or she becomes fraudulent or elope with your documents. That’s why it’s only after marriage that you both can be next-of-kin to each other.

4. Living or cohabiting with your partners. If you both are serious, love and really want to marry; you both should patiently do the needful. Ensure you have at least a reliable source of income.

5. Getting pregnant to put your partner in the family way by force. Pregnancy is not enough reason for marriage. Marriage should be by God’s will and love.

6. Men, not paying that lady’s bride price you put in the family way is bad, ungodly and against our culture. I know a couple of singles that were put in the family way and till today their bride prices have not been paid. That’s a potential kidnap or modern day slavery. Please go and pay her bride price so you can receive God’s and her parents blessings.

7. Some guys may always ask or force a lady to withdraw all her money or salary into his account; and that if she needs money he’ll be giving her from his account. Sister, you don’t have control over your money again! Ask him, is he the Central Bank of your life? You’re still single and you should be in control of your money. While single, the best you can do is help or support each other financially if need be. There was a time a guy killed his partner because she refused to buy something for her.

8. Forcing you to marry him or her because he’s or she’s sponsoring your education, business, or spending lavishly on you, etc. Marriage is not by force but by God and love. Once you notice that, I’ll advice you call him or her and let them know you’re not interested in marriage for sponsoring you so he or she can take right decision early less he or she lose his money further.

9. Threatening you with death or to attack you if you don’t marry, have sex or be in a relationship with him. Report to your parents, counselor or police.

10. He’s abusing you physically like a pouch bag and still asking you to stay. Sister run for your life less they carry your corpse.

11. You both are in a relationships but in his or her mind you’re a contract lover, so he or she alone can get visa to relocate abroad or get somethings (status, position, contract, etc) to his or her advantage. Without having plans for you, what becomes of you. He might promise to come back to Nigeria to pick you later, this worked for some while some it didn’t work. Some got there and that’s the end you heard of them, while some came back. Lots of relationships/marriages in which this didn’t work out have broken. A lot of singles though claim they do this for love, anyway just be wise. Am not saying you shouldn’t help someone travel out but don’t be greedy or fraudulent around it. The plan should be for you both if you genuinely love him or her.

My dear singles, I’ll conclude with this: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil”. Proverbs 3: 3-7. A word is enough for the wise.

©Abiodun Aremo, 2019.
Blissful Relationship Int’l.
Right Sexuality Network
Covenant Family Ministries.


To many men, there are different perception of a high quality woman. But in general and in a normal sense, a high quality woman is a woman who has all, or virtually all the qualities of a good woman who is worthy of marriage. A high quality woman is not a woman who the society today see as an expensive woman. Differences abound between the current societal definition of a high quality woman and the actual definition of a high quality woman.
Majority of men are dating high quality women. But the question is, are they dating the actual high quality women who are worth marrying? Can you marry your girlfriend? It is sad to know that some men are dating their girlfriends knowing fully well that they won’t marry them for reasons best known to them. While some others don’t know if they are dating high quality women who are worth marrying. That is what this piece is trying to solve. Below are signs that you are dating a high quality woman who is worth marrying.

🎯 Her integrity is unquestionable. – A high quality woman sees her integrity as a priority. She is honest to the core. She doesn’t beat around the bush during a conversation. She is steadfast always.

🎯 She shares in your happiness . A woman who shares in your happiness is marriageable. Such a woman is also a high quality woman because, a high quality woman respects her male lover. She understands that she, no matter how important she is to you is not your only source of happiness. As a high quality woman, the best she can do for you is to share in your happiness and also make you happy.

🎯 She is independent. Every high quality woman is independent. They have their own life to live, which means that they have their own wants and needs that they want to fulfil by themselves. They have careers and are also working for money. That is to say that a high quality woman does not depend on her boyfriend for money.

🎯 She always have something to say. A high quality woman is versatile. She love to participate in every discussion, and in anyone, she always have something to contribute. She has her opinions on every issue. In other words, we can say that she is smart and brilliant.

🎯 She takes care of herself. A high quality woman takes proper care of herself. She respects her own beauty, therefore, she doesn’t joke with her look.
As a high quality woman, she understands that her beauty is her pride, therefore, she tries to maintain it even without your persuasion.

🎯 She doesn’t play games and she set boundaries. A high quality woman has respect for her lover and for herself as well. She is not a player because she is committed, dedicated, faithful and loyal as well as honest to her lover. She set boundaries which she respects and expects her lover to respect as well.
If your girlfriend has these qualities, she is a high quality woman. Do not hesitate to marry her because she deserve you.

Above all, if you find such woman ♀️, she is for keep and every moment spent on her is valuable. Cheers 🥂 to the woman who deems align with your destiny.

How To Control Your Sexual Urges As A Single

Being in the singles hood not an easy phase in life, one tends to learn, create and differentiate what is sustainable in a long run..

We need to get some fact settled first.
As humans, we’re created with 3 legitimate hunger. They are:

• hunger for food.

• hunger for water.

• hunger for sex.

You will be termed abnormal and recommended for help if you don’t have these hungers.

It is absolutely healthy and normal to have sexual urge as singles.

This shows that you’re normal and your sexual organs are functioning normally and that you’re capable of enjoying sex in marriage.

But you must as well be guided that the fact that God gave you the sexual urge as single is not a license to engage in immorality or fornication, because God frowns against fornication.

The reason why God gave us sexual desires as singles is to learn self control. No matter what you possess or have in life, without self control, you will fumble with it, so also in our sexuality. We need to maintain self control.

I am yet to see a person eat shit and say his/her reason for doing that is to satisfy hunger for food. In the same vein, I am yet to see a person drink water from the sewage or gutter and blame it on excessive thirst for water. Not even a mad person does this.

Then, this calls for query on those who resort to fornication and masturbation just to quench sexual hunger. If you can’t go on the extreme to satisfy the other two legitimate hunger, why take the risk and break the commandment of the Almighty just to satisfy your sexual hunger? This shows that sex is actually overrated.

Permit me to let you know this, nobody ever dies of sex starvation, but many have contracted diseases and traded their destiny for sex.

Now let’s consider how to control your sexual urge as single…

1. You will need to identify your sexual
triggers and deal with them. What makes you arouse sexually? Identify them and avoid them.

2. Always reassure yourself that you are on a sexual fast, and it will last as long as you single.

3. Avoid idleness, an idle head is the devil’s workshop. It is when you are idle that you will start scheming on how to fulfill the desire in an illegitimate manner.

4. Watch your thoughts. The scripture said guard your heart with diligence for out of it are the issues of life.

Sometimes, imagination can be stronger than reality, so watch your thoughts and imaginations.

Think about God’s word.

5. Sensor what you view.

You can’t feed your eyes with heavy pornographic stuff and expect not to be sexually ignited. No, it’s not possible.

6. Watch your conversation.

Chastity demands you avoid saying some things. You can’t sex chat or say romantic stuffs and expect not to be sexually excited, that is impossible.

7. Avoid cuddling, smooches and snuggles.
Avoid Romance and kissing with opposite sex.

Romance is a forerunner of sex! sex is not all about penetration. Emotion is stronger than knowledge. You can’t predict the romance that will finally lead to penetration, so it’s better you avoid it from the start.

Sexual Purity
Sexual Urges

8. Watch how you touch yourself when you’re lonely.

Many have been caged with the habit of masturbation just by a gentle and innocent touch of the sensitive part of their body, and this has become a habit they can’t break away from.
If you don’t want to ignite sexual passion by yourself, watch how you touch your sensitive parts.

9. Carefully chose your circle and inner friends.

You can’t claim to practice chastity and mingle with those that always talk about their sexual escapade or say vulgar stuffs.

With time they will begin to taunt you and make you feel different and inferior.

If you’re not matured enough, you might want to feel belong by proving to them that you are up to task.

10. Flee youthful lust and every appearance of evil.

You need to keep your spirit active so as to decode evil and chart an escape route before the evil catches up with you.

This mean you won’t box yourself to a compromising position with an opposite sex.

11. Renew your mind with the word of God.

You need to be loaded with the word of God so as to effectively resist temptation and the tempter.

Finally, have a strong belief that chastity is possible and doable if only you discipline yourself and daily rely on the grace of God.

Know this is for sure, God will not asks you to do what is impossible. Chastity is a virtue and it still pays.

1 Corinthians 6:8

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.


One must have a +ve mindset if you must scale through life challenges. Come this Valentine, perception of some believer have been altered when they ought to  celebrate agape love instead they mark it as a day were immortality is legalized/celebrated.
The day February-14 had bad reputation in recent times with the offsprings of jet age by our youth on adolescent. The search for closure continues but on this day is misunderstood by the guilt mind(ways of the world) or the untrained ones out there. True Saint Valentine died for love, but what kind of love did he exemplified? Read more #Feb14



In recent research, estimated about 59 percent of people celebrated Valentine’s day and their lives were worst than the former, to the point where a twelve years old child writing love letter about how he would have celebrated valentine as if he knew what love is.

It takes only the power of our God to reset this abnormalities in His children to commemorate Agape love, because valentine never died in honour of what is good to be celebrated.
How can this abnormality be resented??

Firstly, you must be willing to give your heart and your soul to the creator.
Secondly, you must be submissive to Him – your body and soul. For you where bought with a price while you were yet sinner.

“Jesus Christ said, there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his for his dear friend”

Sin don’t have to reign in you anymore, the change is here for the fact that you are reading this now. Help share this post with someone today if you really do care about that person, that special one who has started the journey to wander-land.
Remember, that you are a star and what star does is to keep shining with a sense of purpose.
Stay blessed till my next post..



Free At last

Every year it seems that a few different church groups will put out the feeler question

“ What does the church need to preach on more ?” Things like God’s holiness, apathy, unity, and heaven are always popular answers. Do you know what subject almost never makes the cut though? Porn.

Don’t we need to talk about sex, lust, and porn every once and a while? Jesus talked about it (Matthew. 5:27-30 ), the apostles wrote about it ( 1 Corinthians. 5:1 ; Galatians. 5:19 ; Jude 1:7 ), there were faithful followers of God who struggled with it (2 Samuel 11:2-3 ) and there’s even an entire book of the Bible dedicated to the subject (Song of Solomon, a.k.a. the blushing Bible book).
What then is our hang-up when it comes to the subject of porn addiction? It’s not that we don’t like to read about it. According to an Online Facebook statistics plenty of people read articles on pornography addiction, but nobody wants to let others know they read it. I ask again, what gives? Here are five reasons why we probably don’t share, like, or comment on posts talking about Christian pornography addiction:

Have you ever noticed how reactionary Christians tend to be? One group overemphasizes grace, so we overemphasize works. One group preaches “ don’t worry about baptism ” so we preach “ baptism, baptism, baptism!” In America, our culture pushes “ sex, sex, sex ” and not just “sex” but distorted, perverted versions of it. Instead of responding with God’s true definition and context of sex, we react with silence. Every day the culture pushes the boundaries of sexual exploration, beckoning our children to follow, and every day we silently sit back ignoring those “perverts” because it’s easier to call someone names than to do something of substance . Did that hurt a little? I hope so. Pornography is destroying souls and shattering Christian homes and we’re content to do nothing, even something as small as point people to an article, all for the sake of our comfort zones.

“ What if someone thinks I have a porn addiction?”
My answer to this oft asked question is “ so what”.
I understand caring about your reputation and other people’s opinions about your character, but have you really stopped to think through what you’re saying? In a sense, what we’re REALLY saying when we say that phrase is “ my reputation is of greater importance to me, than helping you with your sin problem”. Yes, we need to be lights and of good repute in our communities, but if it takes someone thinking that we, our spouses, or our children have a porn addiction in order to save someone’s soul from the crushing sin of pornography we ought to be all for it every time.

If the statistics are true then that means:
90% of boys and 60% of girls will see porn before they turn 18 years old.
15% of boys and 9% of girls will see child pornography.
32% of boys and 18% of girls will see bestiality online.
39% of boys and 23% of girls will see sexual bondage online.
83% of boys and 57% of girls will see group sex online.
69% of boys and 55% of girls will see same-sex intercourse online.*
*Stats via Covenant eyes

We all like to think that our kids are not “those” kids. The statistics don’t lie however, and chances are your kid will at the very least see, if not develop some kind of addiction to, porn.
There is a way you can prevent this from happening in your home however: be informed and be open about the topic of sex in your home . Weird advice? Maybe. Uncomfortable? Definitely.
Here is the thing, I have a cousin who is only 10year old and I’m already dreading “the talk”, but here’s the thing, one day my cousin will hear from one of his friends or see on his computer screen a culturally twisted view of sex and when that day comes he needs to know what the Bible says about sex, and he needs to know that he can come talk to me about it. Don’t ignore this issue because you assume your child won’t have it, he/she very well might.


I’ve got a couple problems with this way of thinking, the first being this, those posts that rank
the top 20 cat pictures on the internet or show you

101 Ways to Tie Your Scarf This Winter

are definitely not important, and yet we share those anyway. Second, since when did articles talking about sins not become share-worthy? Instead of thinking about porn as that icky, perverted subject start thinking of porn as something that condemns the souls of men and women all over the world.
Porn addiction is very much a sin and rampant problem in our society. When you involve sin, you involve souls and that’s always a discussion worth



From my earlier post on how to harness sexual drive and maintain a healthy relationship during the cause of your redeemed soul.
  Why is maintaining sexual purity so vital to the life of a Christian?
   Moral purity is not a devious plan to eliminate enjoyment from a Christian’s life, though Satan deceptively threatens such a loss.
  Instead, purity is God’s infinitely wise foundation for true happiness and long-lasting family relationships.
  Today’s society is obsessed with sex, The question Christians must ask: How should we as followers of Christ, living in an increasingly secular and a moral society, behave concerning sexual activity?
Certainly not as atheists and agnostics behave! One way to recognize a Christian today should be by his or her sexual purity. Yet it is difficult to maintain purity in a culture obsessed with sex and permissiveness toward all forms of sexual expression that difficulty makes sexual purity a good test of who really is a follower of Christ. It takes more than the best effort of natural humanity to maintain sexual purity. It takes the redeeming and sanctifying work of God in our lives. Take for instance the case of this young man, who woke up dressed and heading to work, on his way he sees explicit billboard of naked girls, getting to office, conversation he meets his colleague talking about the girl he just bedded with last night, at the comfort of his office, he tuned in to listen was on airplay only to hear advert of drugs on safe sex. Is not easy for the mind itself.
  Paul knew the power of sexual drive in all individuals, he knew that provocative dress, public gossip about sexual orgies, and sexually charged humor were strong incitements to lust and sin. And he knew that sexual temptations came no matter what a person’s situation might be. So to the married he said, “Do not deprive each other [of intimate sexual relations] except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control” (1 Corinthians. 7:5). Paul knew that withheld sexual relations could lead a spouse into temptation and sin.
  Our society is pretty inhibited when it comes to expression of sexuality outside of certain approved circumstances or doctrine, but this doesn’t changed the fact that we are to procreate. (2 Timothy 2:2,1 John 2.16).
On my research at some point I got to understand that along the stages of maturity, people tend to make sexual friends and not a lasting friendship that dies too soon, ending in either ways leaving one heartbroken. Reinvigorate your relationship; decide how you want to stay pure in the relationship you keep.


No Predefined Rules for life

Believers don’t claim to be followers of Christ and deliberately practice sexual immorality.
“I can hardly believe the report about the sexual immorality going on among you—something that even pagans don’t do. I am told that a man in your church is living in sin with his stepmother. You are so proud of yourselves, but you should be mourning in sorrow and shame. And you should remove this man from your fellowship… and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns. Your boasting about this is terrible. Don’t you realize that this sin is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough?” (1 Corinthians 5:1-6)
A desire for closeness or intimacy without hang-ups or baggage, stronghold of Satan that is over people even with souls that are redeemed to our saviour. (James 1:3, Ephesians 5:3, John 12:6).
Mankind opened up their heart to get fill with greed and fantasies about sex, be careful because your thought can cast you into a lot of troubles, spiritually and physically. Several cases I have seen where;
• Driven by lust and sexual fantasy, a pastor and his wife engage in threesome sex with their 20-year-old nanny. The pastor rationalizes his behavior by citing the multiple wives of biblical characters.
• For years a young man corrupts his mind with sexual fantasies. He eventually has sexual relations with three underage girls and goes to prison.
• A father of three, married for 19 years, has a 17-year affair with his secretary, who is his wife’s best friend. For years they vowed to God and to each other to end the relationship before it destroyed everyone in their lives.
• A young wife leaves her husband and two children to work in a strip club.
• The pastor who is caught with Internet pornography on his office computer.
• The wife who feels lonely and abandoned finds comfort in the arms of another man.
These case seen here aren’t just ordinary, if you are already a new creation realities. Pastor Daniels A.O(CGC) once said, “If a man can boldly commit immorality out seen, then there is a problem somewhere”.
  You might want to ask why then do we feel this sexuality or bodily function?  The truth is “Our bodies are sexual channels, our minds construct our sexual appetites, that is why we feel sexuality”
  It’s easy to look around and see
how lust has polluted modern culture pornography, human traffic and other sexually-related businesses are prevalent across the globe. Media uses sex both to entertain and to sell everything from cars to shoes. Sex is everywhere we turn. But misguided sexual desire can have far reaching consequences. How does lust affect how you live” If you are ensnared In a sinful habit relate to lust or have suffered sexual abuse.

God can heal you and give you a new Life. Seek the help of a close friend or family member Or try to find a caring church or ministry that can help you in your situation. There is help and hope available.
I will not teach my kids about safe sex because there is no such thing.” By Matt Walsh
  I am too saved to make mistake, sexual perversion and lust.(1 Thessalonians 4:2-8). Keeping your thought clean at all times and asking God to give you protection and believe that He will. (1 Corinthians 6:19, Psalm 91, Isaiah 40:4, Ephesians 6:12)

Reflection: I am a child of the Most High and my Temple belongs to God and I am covered by the blood of the lamb.
To be Continues in my next series…



Singles & Married Network

Christian Divorce & Remarrying

In earlier generations, this question was very seldom raised, simply because divorce was almost never encountered among Christians and was unusual even in the general population. Today, however, it has become a very real problem in evangelical Christian circles. Infidelity is no longer rare, even among Christian leaders, and one can hear almost weekly of some new pastoral “affair” and its traumatic effect on his church. With such examples in the leadership, it is bound to be even more common among the ordinary members, and the resulting decline in the stability of the Christian home today is surely one of the more alarming signs of the times.

In the past, attempts to deal with this question on a Biblical basis have tended to be somewhat academic, probably because the very idea of divorce was so alien to the expositors own experiences. Nowadays, however, since the tragedy of divorce has spread so widely that almost every Christian has encountered it not only in his church but also among his close friends and relatives, it is vitally important that we seek to deal with it both Biblically and sympathetically.

First of all, the divine standard for

marriage is lifelong commitment to one’s spouse, and nothing else.

Even though divorce was permitted in some cases under the Old Testament economy, Christ made it plain that this was not God’s ideal. When He was asked this very question,

“He answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:4-6).

This seems very comprehensive and conclusive, yet He immediately followed up this statement with the following apparent exception:

“Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery” (Matthew 19:9; see also Matthew 5:31, 32).

It does seem from this statement that the discovery of extramarital unchastity on the part of one’ spouse is here given as a possible grounds for divorce. God does place a high value on faithfulness, on the part of both bride and bridegroom, as a basis for a happy and lasting marriage. Fornication is condemned as a sin in both Old and New Testaments.

In this day of widespread sexual license, however, this provision might well become a rather common ground for divorce, even among Christians. It does, indeed, dilute the principle of “one flesh” used by God to describe a true marriage.

“What? Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith He, shall be one flesh… Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body: but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body” (I Corinthians 6:16, 18).

This passage, incidentally, suggests that a woman who submits to extramarital sex becomes, in God’s sight, a harlot, whether she yields her body for money or some other reason that she sees as profitable to herself.

On the other hand, it is noteworthy that Jesus, evidently on a different occasion, did not give fornication as an excuse for divorce.

If there is any doubt, this also applies to wives.

“And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery” (Mark 10:12).

Since the Lord would not contradict Himself, we should conclude that, while there may be some situations in which extramarital sex would create such problems in a marriage that divorce would be better than continuing in an unhealthy or even dangerous relationship, in general it would be better to forgive earlier indiscretions (if accompanied by repentance and present faithfulness) rather than to break up what might otherwise still be a good marriage.

In both cases, however, Christ warned that remarriage after divorce amounts to adultery, a sin which is explicitly forbidden by God’s seventh Commandment. Both divorce and remarriage, therefore, are extremely serious steps, and both violate the divine principle of permanent union and faithfulness in marriage.

But this is not the whole story.

“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy… For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust” (Psalm 103:8, 14).

”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” (I John 1:9).

This promise is specifically for Christians, and includes even the sin of adultery, if there is genuine repentance. The Lord made this very clear in His dealing with the woman who “was taken in adultery, in the very act” (John 8:4). He reminded her accusers that they also were sinners and had no warrant to punish her. Then He told the woman:

“Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11).

He in no way condoned her sin, but He did forgive her sin, when she gave evidence of godly sorrow and determination not to sin again in this way. Under such conditions, His followers would do well to follow His example. At least in this particular context, He put no further conditions on her freedom, either to return to her husband if he would have her, or to marry another if she were already divorced.

There is one other important Biblical factor to consider in divorce-and-remarriage situations. A Christian should never marry a non-Christian, as this almost inevitably leads to serious friction in the home later on, unless the unsaved partner can, by God’s grace, be won to Christ.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (II Corinthians 6:14).

Nevertheless, many Christians insist on doing this very thing. And then what? Also, a person may become a believer after marriage, with the partner still unsaved. In either case, there is an unequal yoke, and the Christian husband or wife may come to desire release from this yoke. The Apostle Paul commands in this case:

“…If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him” (I Corinthians 7:12-13).

The next verse indicates this is especially important for the sake of the children, who are often the ones hurt most by a divorce.

But suppose the unsaved spouse is the one who insists on a divorce.

“If the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace” (I Corinthians 7:15).

This obviously means that the Christian husband or wife is then at liberty to remarry. In fact, if there are children involved, and if a caring Christian spouse can be found, it would be good to remarry, for children need the love and guidance of both a father and mother, provided, of course, that the stepmother or stepfather is “in the Lord(I Corinthians 7:39) and desires to assume such a responsibility.

By extension, these principles could be applied to other situations that the Scriptures do not cover explicitly. As noted above, God is able and willing to forgive all sins, including even the sin of getting a divorce for trivial reasons. He has called us to peace, not legal bondage, and He can make a good marriage and a happy home no matter what the previous history of the people involved may have been, provided that true repentance, proper restitution, and genuine saving faith and sincere desire to serve the Lord now exist in their lives.

These are all second-best choices, however. For young people who have not yet gotten involved in such mistakes, it is far better—for now and forever—to seek God’s best, the ideal marriage He planned from the beginning. Such a marriage is a foretaste of heaven, for it is a picture of the heavenly bridegroom and His chaste Bride (Ephesians 5:22-33).


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What It Takes To Be Diligent.

Diligence is the pathway to greatness from the meaning of diligence, we can observe that without it we are nothing but slothful person.

In the book of Proverb 22:29, “Seest thou a man diligence in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men.

Therefore, diligence means careful, persistent, & determined actions to achieve a definite purpose.
Slothfulness is antonyms of diligence, where forth if thou is not diligent then yea are slothful. A slothful person invites a hard life, being slave to the system [laws] and whipped by the vagaries of life, while a diligent person receives promotion & live above the system.

By diligence, it is doing whatever that is required to be done to achieve excellence in what you do; Whatever field or occupation you find yourself, be diligent for it pays.
You might have set goals in life, for these goals to be purposeful, fruitful, & yield result, you have to pursue them with diligence.

Let Us Pray;
Almighty Father, i thank you for granting me through your spirit & through the effectual working of your word in me, for counting me worthy to be in your presence. I pray that your spirit abide in me and as we diligently seek you, let my life speak of your works. In Jesus Name Amen.

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More on our blog @ http://www.creatureoftheheart.blogspot.com


Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude, a public celebration in acknowledgement of divine favour.
Many are not thankful because they only think about what they are going through, their lack and needs instead of seeing themselves in glory.
Do you recall the story of the ten lepers that Jesus healed?  Only one of them return to express gratitude to the master for the healing, and he received more; he was made whole.(Luke17:11-19).
There are people whose circumstance will never change until they learn to be thankful.(1Thessalonian5:18, 1Corinthian 3:21)


  Importance of Thanksgiving

1. It leads to generational blessing. (Psalm.26:7), When you thank God, you seek Him & Failure to thank God is an invitation to the devil.

2. It is an invitation for God to act & to do more.  (1 Kings 3:4&5, Genesis 8:20-22).

3. It is victory over the works of darkness. (Psalm 23,32:5)

In this season

, give thanks with a grateful heart, whether it is messy of mercy. For we were created for His glory.