8 Things To Know Before Getting Married


Please before you think of Marriage Mr Man, I hope you can pray for 2 hours + ?

Please sister, before you think of marriage I hope you can pray for 1 hour + ?

Marriage is hard work, never get into it if you can’t pray for long without distraction, Please Don’t Marry.

Why I Say This Is……✍️ – Prayer Is Intimacy With God.

Remember ADAM had time with God before his EVE came. He already spent time God’s presence, till the extent God knew what he wanted.

There are some people God will tell them “Go and marry” not because they want to, but because They know God, and God recognizes them and sees the need for marriage.

Sister, if issues arise in your family and you can’t see before time….if you can’t discern spiritually ahead of time….Check Your Prayer Life.


….Before You Think Of Getting Married You Must Hear God…

Please, I beg you. If you need to go and pray before hearing God you’re a baby πŸ˜‚

You may not understand, let me help you…..✍️

Do you know, Intimacy with God is a daily act.

We are to know God very well…it is very sweet for us to be alone and Blast in Tongues, Worship Him and Pray.

When you do this every day. You may see a woman and God tells you right in your ear “This Is Your Wife”

So you don’t always have to see her and go back and pray before you hear God because God constantly communicates with His Children, but if his Children remain babies you’ll have to see something and be running to pray for days while God would have spoken to you but please, That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pray.

Understand this…..✍️

By hearing God. One also must hear God verbally, by dreams, revelations or visions.

If you can’t clearly hear God for 99% of issues in your life. You’re not ready to get married because the time your wife is frustrating you, the Lord may want to tell you that you should love her more. But Mr Man, you can’t hear…πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

The man is the Priest of the Family. At times you need to leave things to pray for 7 hours.


Desperation for marriage is why many people enter wrong marriages. Some people just want to get married. To them marriage is sweet

Those people that Like relationship talks and Marriage talks but don’t like other aspects of the Bible…..You are baby Christians.

Please understand, many of this talks on Relationship mostly affects Emotions. But when a Spiritual activity comes in. People keep quiet, or do not read them

Can I call it Vanity?

If you are rushing for marriage … Please Stop, think and go and build a relationship with God

I told God, may a woman Never make me love you less!

NEVER !!!!

I remember one of the day, I knee and prayed, making a vow to marry whomsoever he will recommend to me as a wife!

…..and He shouldn’t make Me to struggle In searching for a wife but should lead her to me…..with a promise to be a great Spiritual mentor to her and my children.

So this covenant with the Lord had already place me ahead as the watchtower over her daughter and marriage…

So I’m ready to remain unmarried until he says…My son, see that my daughter, Yes…She is my will for you!

Bro…..I love God, I always hear him every day….and if he says, “My Be patient…..It’s not yet time to get married….I won’t bother myself but rather to relax and keep on enjoying my singleness.

So If You are very stubborn to hearing God.

Let your Relationship be so strong with God. Though He might ask you to do painful things or ask you to marry someone who isn’t your heart desires.

Please see how Job was Hurt by God himself.

– Job 13 15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.

If as a believer you can’t say that……✍️


Psalms 51:8. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken* may rejoice.

Please above πŸ‘† you’ll see that God sponsored many of David’s brokenness.

God is the Potter, he can break you in order to mold you, As He did to me years back and at the remembrance of the pains and the scar… It always Hurt….But thank God I have overcame!

So if you really want to get married. You need Spiritual check up.


You Must Not See Marriage As A Means To Solve Your Needs!

Please, Dear Lady……✍️

Don’t say you are getting married so you’ll be taken care of financially and Materially. You can work with your husband..

Ladies, even in marriage….Understand he’s not to fulfill all your needs, (that is if he doesn’t have enough because you two are now one).

You can pray for God to provide or help him.

Mr man, don’t get married and just decide to sleep with your wife everyday 😬

Sexual control is needed in marriage for Purity.

A lady’s body can’t handle sex all the time, most especially during her painful monthly circle.

I have taken my time as a man to study, dig and thoroughly make research, ask some funny and silly questions from ladies,….whose range from sexual feelings, emotionally bond, anatomy etc !

And at it stand…..I can vividly gives account of 80% of female anatomy and sexual feelings and mood.

As a man, you may not understand how their Sexual body chemistry and connections.

A good woman won’t deny you Sex in marriage but she won’t enjoy it emotionally and psychologically because sex deal with soul bonding and emotion.

As a man, you can even have sex with your wife even when you are keeping malice with her and still get sexually satisfied but your wife won’t enjoy it or satisfied but rather giving it out probably because she didn’t want you to cheat.

So if you Love her, and most especially Love God. You’ll understand and respect her body language.

In marriage….A lady can get pregnant 🀰, And need 9 months, plus extra months to breastfeed.

If you as a man can’t control yourself sexually, Please how did you control yourself before you got married? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

That’s when you start having impure thoughts, get into masturbations or pornography Or even adultery

And when a man does that…..People blame their wives? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Please let’s understand that women Sexual body Chemistry is different from men.

Your wife may not deny you Sex….But you may be hurting her emotionally 😒.

I’ve heard men that after their wives give birth they force themselves on her πŸ˜”

Please you don’t know how hard it is to bring a Child out of her body. Some they use needle and thread to stitch their vagina!

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit……✍️

God sometimes may tells his Sons, to abstain from sex for a period of time. If you aren’t prayerful, can’t hear God, not in intimacy, not matured.

Then as woman, you’ll complain that your husband is denying you his body πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


In marriage, one becomes faster in soul winning because they have a partner.

Don’t let Marriage limit your service with God….before marriage, ensure you win souls.


Sister, Men like food,…learn how to cook if you can’t.

Please also know his favourite dish and don’t joke with it……like me, I love Egbuisi soup with hot Eba πŸ˜‹….even with less money, Please try your best. At least if it doesn’t taste nice. Serve him with love praises and unexpected Kiss 😘

Brother, women love ATTENTION

Pamper her like a baby, shower her with Romantic affirmations tunes and gives her all the cares…..and in return, she will treats you like a King. ☺

Some women can also be STUBBORN, but when you understand her and pet her and learn to correct her with wisdom, she will definitely be groomed into your desires.

Dear sister, men want RESPECT

At times it’s not very easy, be able to think and analysis’s him, but try to just give him due respect.

My Dear bachelor’s….✍️

What I discovered is that…..ladies don’t always talk about their emotions but rather send signals.

That’s why you need to be her friend before even talking about marriage. In this friendship
You two get to know yourselves.

You must understand wise ladies don’t rush into Marriage.

β€” Please before proposing to a lady. Be her friend first!

β€” Please I beg you. Don’t always approach a lady suddenly.

She wants a Friend to know him well because Marriage between friends last longer.

….Know by her eyes πŸ‘€ and feelings or reaction, when she’s hiding something and make sure she talks.

Don’t be the “It is well” brother without finding a solution.

Personally, I hate hearing that spiritual Grammar known as “IT’S WELL” when things are not well.

So, if she mentions something and you say “It Is Well”….It simply means you are not yet ready for marriage.

Please also get to know that, ladies sometimes like to be disturbed to confess something πŸ˜„

So, if she is the type that always end difficult issue with that spiritual grammar “IT’S WELL”…..It simply means, she is trying to tell you that…Nothing is well and you should dig around and see how to encourages or help out!


Please before getting married, Love your parents….Also know that your in-laws will be your other parents.

People get lonely while getting old πŸ‘΅….Please check up on them.


Please, those brothers that say they won’t cook, or sweeper, or Dry cleaner,….You did not get married to have a maid

Yes, it’s the responsibility of the wife is to do those….But also remember that you married a human being that gets tired πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I know women that right from work, they rush to the kitchen to cook….even without Taking bath πŸ›€ or changing their clothes.

Some are very tired.
Legs and back will pain them. Yet,….She does everything to please her husband

While he’s in the parlor doing something that’s not important and saying “When would this food be done, I’m hungry”

Please if the man was wise, and could go and help her. They’ll finish faster, right? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

A man that can not cook, clean, and wash. Likewise a lady. You two are Unserious and not ready for Marriage

Marriage is for Companionship and friends help themselves.

On Saturday morning a lady can wash the cloths of the whole family but the husband does nothing. Not even to do a single thing!

If you can’t humble yourself under God, till you cry that you Love God. You can’t humble yourself in marriage.

Bro, I’m talking to you….✍️

Marriage is blissful and wonderful if the two have sense of understanding and Honour God.

It is not about wedding dress πŸ‘— to ladies……Brother…..it’s not about wedding night 😘.

It’s about Life together and Service to God..

She may not be a virgin, pray for her and cultivate her. Be like Jesus that accepts anyone.

He accepted you when you sinned which is like not being a virgin intentionally.

So why can’t you accept herπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Husbands love your Wife like Christ Loves the Church. The Church have hurt Christ a lot. But he still seeks us.

Dear Wife material…..✍️

Please like a good Church, make reverence to your Husband. Submit to him and love him.

*People study how Christ Loves us, To know how to handle marriage* and that should be your goal before rushing or preparing for marriage.

God Bless YouπŸ™πŸ»

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